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Welcome . =)

the blog

» Layout Name : Onew-Shinee World
» Online since : March 2005
» Layout By: Chazzie

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about ME

» The name ZHAO Xuan
» Known as .Zx
» Turning FOURteen this year
» Love SMTH
» Hate SMTH.
» Enjoy .SMTH
» I ♥ jus smth stop asking
» Admire her
» I ♥her


♥ Super Junior
♥ Shinee
♥ Wonder Girls
♥ Smash
♥ K-Drama
♥ Twilight


♣ Shinee Year Of us album
♣ New lappy
♣ Spike Shoe!






Shannon!;) / Jasmine!;) / Joey / IT's... REY!:) / Chaw Jia Yun:) / Jia En:) / Isabella:) / shannon li /




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Yesterday gone to Sentosa my father drove there... he drove lorry cause we gt 9 persons plus my cousins and everyone.. so the we can't fit in the car.. hahas. so we went to the beach then stroll a while.. then go to the skyride and ride the car thing.. forgot wads tat liao... and then took the tram to go to Koufu food court to eat dinner... and then after tat stroll at the beach again then go to the 7-11 something very ridiculous thing happen lor feel like scolding the staff you know wad? me and my second sis go in then i was like saw the Mango flavour tic tac then i feel like buying then i take then the tic tac was on my hand .. i was walking around with the tic tac on my hand.. then i walk 1 round around the 7-11 then saw some sweet then i dun wan the tic tag alr... so i put bac,then we went to the counter pay money... then the staff see the tic tac on my hand disappear alr then ask us where's the tic tac then another staff came also ask us then we say put bac alr... then the staff ask us show him where we put..so we took him to the shelf whr we put.. then we were piss off... cause they thought we steal sia..WTH, anyway then gt out of 7-11 then saw my little cousin crying VERY loudly at the bus-stop opposite whr all of us stand...cause he wans a toy then my Aunt dun wan buy for him.. so all the passer-by was looking at him... then my big sis saw 1 person recording then she go to the person ask the guy wad was he recording then the guy very idiot.. cause gt 1 lorry came at tat time then his camera followed it.. then he say he was recording the lorry.. but he record very long alr then the lorry jus came lor...then my big sis ask him delete the video so he also have no choice cause he was recording our little cousin leh.. so Kpo.. then everbody go console my little cousin.. then my another aunt go scold my cousin then scold until VERY loud ... but i was still opposite the bus-stop listening to my ring ding dong...so i can't hear them very clear.. i also dont care my cousin cause he is very spoilt lor... always like tat then don't respect everybody i dont mean tat i dont like kids lar...but he is really those very spoilt and dont listen to any1 ...so after tat we go watch the performance of 'Songs Of The Beach' it's a musical or performance.. then they spray alot of water the project pictures... abit of fireworks also.. cause its not sheltered...so tat all..i need to go slp le..tmr gt track n' field .haix...

Maybe gt some spelling mistake cause i'm rushing over it..

(0) shinee world

lets jus talk abt yesterday and today... yesterday, my 2 little cousins and my aunt came to our house frm malaysia, i forgot they how old le.. lols. they abt 8am came then i woke up saw them so surprised, cause my mum didn't told me that they were coming... so..i woke up.. wash up then my parents brought us and my aunt to bedok to eat breakfast.. my sisters didn't go cause my 2nd sis go sch then my big sis sleeping..haiz wad a pig..:x hahas...then ..eat finish.. went bac.. then i took out my itouch listen songs.. then they saw , they ask me wad isit.. then i tell them mp3.. then they say they wan play.. so.. they play the whole day... then i have no chance to listen to songs liao...-.- nvm la kids...is always like these.. then at night not enought place to slp.. cause my another aunt came.. so gt extra 4 person..then its always my parents 1 rm , my 2 sis 1 rm then i one room... my sis rm gt 3 bed so my little aunt sleep there.. then my rm gt two bed then gt 4 ppl slp.. so i was like whole night cannot slp.. cause i sleep inside then my face was like pasting to the wall-.-.. so it was very uncomfortable la so tonight dont feel like sleeping...haiz... lazy to blog abt today...sians...

(0) shinee world

yesterday the words you said was very hurtful but u didn't even realise...

(0) shinee world

very long nv post le every1...today...went to eat breakfast with my family and my aunt...then went to bedok centre the poh heng jewellery shop cause my mum's b'day coming soon.. so.. my father bought a gold pendant for her... so ex sia :x...then went to expo see the electronics went there..bought nothing .hahas, then gone home.. go home i ate 3 packets of instant noodle..hahahas.

now.whenever i style my hair, my big sis say i look like korean guys... but look like meh? lols

(0) shinee world

Haix....few days nv blog le.. cause these few days quite moody and tired.. So i'll jus talk abt yesterday, yesterday jus went to the school for track... when i arrive , Teng Shuen mood nt very gd... maybe he is sleepy.. then had a very tiring training.. then we must do all sorts of traning.. then Jia En was there to like helping .. then after training everybody very tired then we play soccer then Mr. Ong see us play until so energetic then he say 'Woah, just now training act tired, now so energetic arh...' then everybody laugh. We play until it rain then it stop. Then after tat, me, Anders, Kenneth and Darren go to the foyer to wait for Anders , he nd to pass his teacher something... then then we saw Jia En and Isabella they all.. Then they say they wan go celebrate Isabella B'day...so we say we can celebrate together...then Kenneth nd go home put his bag and soccer ball...so the boys followed then we go bac outside sch there .i .. to wait for Jia En they all then.. we wait for very long then suddenly they call us say meet at downtown ...so we go downtown...then eat at fish & co. Kenneth say very nice but the rest of us nv even go in the resturant before... so after tat Jia En say they at KFC eat...and its jus beside fish & co. so after we eat we go there...wait for them...then they say Isabella go home alr... so we wait for the girls to eat finish... they eat very long lor... then we go bowling.. waited for few hrs... the girls go first except Jia En.. then Darren also go meet his friend , then Kenneth have doctor's appointment so left me, Anders and Jia En... so we played bowling 2 rounds then Anders was so lousy...:x no larhs kidding...Second round i lost to him abt few points... so after tat kenneth came bac... then we gone home.. everybody go different ways... so gone home had a shower then dinner then online awhile then slp... So...its all abt tat yesterday...

Arhs...Today whole bodyache...

(0) shinee world

my sis room;)

yesterday was my birthday... celebrated until very late then come bac so didn't post...So...yesterday jus slack at home until 6, my Sister's boyfriend came to my house celebrate my b'day so... we ate our dinner and went out(p.s , i forgotten to brought the camera, so we nv took picture outside...so...i'll shorten my post and let the pictures do the talking:)
This is my Big Sis's Boyfriend, Jason:)

The post was quite short...cause had a tiring day...


(0) shinee world

!5th november
  1. Hello, every1...this is my first blog posting, today slp until very late... cause yesterday had a world war...hahas. Actually...its jus playin a match with those street basketballs players... and we won.. it was 2 vs 2. Today abt 11 something then wake up..then immediately go shower..then slack at home watch tv and surf the net...and then 4 pm go play basketball again...then it was like drizzling so we dun care then suddenly lighting then the rain quite heavy... it was abt only 5 mins and then stop again..it was like LOLs...then my friend came...i dunno his name jus always play basketball with him...then he always call me loyang...so when he came then he call me ...i was like hello...then suddenly the ball hit my head then the other guy who threw the ball tat accidentally hit me didn't even say sorry or look at me lor...wth. Then jus now go bedok eat dinner... then order cake ...because TMR IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! hahahas.lol. Too bad Shannon tmr also going camp...hahas...i suppose she would see post too?lols

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